Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Hindus are their own worst enemies!

Deepak Ganju

The recent poll results are not a surprise but what could you expect when Hindu vote is divided and split against a consolidated Muslim and Christian vote bank? Don't get surprised or shocked as perhaps a Hindu will still not awaken from centuries old deep slumber, and a psyche of being ruled by foreigners be it Muslim Invaders, Christian missionaries or now by their qualified puppets.

They are used to getting beaten and killed in their own country while walking in a street, shopping at a market or staying in a hotel, finding their brothers, sisters and mothers living in refugee camps, denied jobs for being born in a brahmin, business or a warrior Hindu family, taxed instead of subsidized and in some cases even denied pilgrimage. And still we Hindus not only vote but reward and bring back an inapt, weak and corrupt party of puppets and appeasers responsible for all these evils.

The question we should ask is how open and blatant anti Hindu governments in Center and States have been formed for such a long time continuously in so called democratic India and why? The reason for anti Hindu regimes to succeed is an illusion of good governance created by an extremely biased Indian media funded by Christian Ministries, Gospels, Communists, Gulf money and corrupt politicians *(see below). The centuries old enemies of India, Muslims and Christian Missionaries, are now within reach of their nefarious dream of destroying India.

When will we Hindus wake up before it is too late?

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