Friday, January 30, 2009

Azamgarh Jihadi's denigrates National Flag in National Capital - Media silent as usual!

The Image you see here was published in BBC Website under the title 'Indian Muslims in Torture rally'

Well and good each and every citizen has their right to protest against any so called atrocities in our democratic setup.

But does that freedom to protest means to denigrate our Nation and our National flag?

In the image one can see 3 Indian flags held upside down – That too in the National capital!

To expect New Delhi Government or Central Government to take any case against them citing this reason is too unlikely.

Sadly not even a TV Channel which preach pseudo-patriotism haven’t uttered any word against this denigration of our National flag .

Yes all of them are busy counting the number of arrests made from Mangalore in connection with pub attack

बदलना है भविष्य तो विद्रोह करो

Tarun Vijay
कभी कुछ न सहने और जो अभी तक जो कुछ मानते आए उसे कसौटी पर कसने और लगे तो नकारने, स्वीकारने का स्वभाव भी पालना चाहिए। जो ठीक न लगे उसे क्यों सहें? और जो मन न माने उसे भी जीने का सामान जुटाने की मजबूरी में क्यों मानते रहें? नेपाल में प्रचंड ने पशुपतिनाथ से छेड़छाड़ की तो जो अभी तक डरे सहमे सब कुछ चुपचाप सह रहे थे वे भी विद्रोह में उठ खड़े हुए, माओवादी अहंकार ढीला पड़ा। जो लोग तोलते हैं कि नुकसान क्या और कितना होगा, उसके बाद तय किया जाए कि बोलें या न बोलें, वे केंचुए के कबीले में रहते हैं। तेईस साल की उम्र में भगत सिंह निडर विद्रोह कर वह कमा गए जो करोड़पति रायबहादुर ब्रिटिश चाटुकार होकर छू भी न पाए थे। विवेकानंद तो पैंतीस के ही थे कि संसार छोड़ गए पर संसार उन्हें अब भी याद करता है -12 जनवरी को सरकारी स्तर पर नहीं, जनता के असरकारी स्तर पर विवेकानंद का जन्मदिन मनाया गया था। उनके जीवन का एक ही मूल परिचय था - आमि विद्रोही चिर अशांत। लीक पर नहीं चलना। जो गलत लगे उसे नहीं मानना, जो सही है उसके प्रसार के लिए गत्ते के डिब्बों में भी रात बितानी पड़े तो मंजूर। यानी जीएं भले ही थोड़ा, पर आग धधकती हो , रोशनी फैलाते हुए। धुएं की तरह सुलग-सुलग कर लंबे जीने से अच्छा है आत्महत्या कर लो , बोझ मत बनो।

पर आज यह बताना, विवेकानंद को याद करना खतरे से खाली नहीं। जरा कह कर देखिए कि ये मंदिर वाले अपने देव, आराध्य पूजने की जगहें इतनी गंदी क्यों रखते हैं। काशी विश्वनाथ मंदिर जाने की गली क्यों है कीचड़ भरी और ये पंडे, अपने जजमानों को इतने अभद्र और अमानवीय ढंग से क्यों लूटते हैं? वृंदावन में सिर घुटाए विधवाओं को देख कर हम क्यों मुंह फेर लेते हैं और उस समय राधे-राधे कह कर पलायनवादी अबूझी धार्मिकता का पाखंड औढ़ते हैं जब सारा हिंदू समाज युद्ध भूमि में आक्रमण झेल रहा हो ? क्या यह समय मंदिरों में घंटियां बजा-बजा कर अपने पाप शमन करने के जुगुप्साजनक कर्म का है या आनंदमठ के उस संन्यासी विद्रोह के तेवर फिर सुलगाने का जो धर्म को राष्ट्र से विलग कर देखता ही नहीं? देश बचेगा तो देवताओं के लिए भी जगह बचेगी। वरना तक्षशिला, रावलपिंडी, मुल्तान और कराची हो जाओगे - यह बताने अब कोई नहीं आता।

गंगा की पूजा-आरती करने वालों ने गंगा गंदला दी, पर खम यों ठोंकते हैं मानो युद्ध-सज्ज रणबांकुरे हों। जिसकी स्मृति ही लुप्त है और सीने में है संसद का बाजार, वह संस्कृति के उद्धार की, सभ्यता के संरक्षण की बात करे तो कौन गंभीरता से लेगा? ये उस देश के लोग हैं जहां दशरथ के वानप्रस्थी मन और जनक के वीतरागी स्वभाव पर मन मथने वाले व्याख्यान होते हैं और तब भी सत्ता राजनीति का खेल खेलते हैं। गो हाथ में जुंबिश नहीं, आंखों में तो दम है, रहने दो अभी सागरो मीना मेरे आगे। धन्य हैं आप। आपकी जीवन कथाएं, आचरण, शब्द शक्ति आने वाली पीढ़ियों को निस्संदेह ‘ प्रेरित ’ करेंगी।

थक रही आंखें विद्रोह का पोकरण देखना चाहती हैं। राजनीतिक मूर्ति पूजन के विरूद्ध कोई मूलशंकर पाखंड खंडिनी पताका लेकर आए या विवेकानंद का साहस सीने में समाए असंदिग्ध हिंदू निष्ठा को हिंद महासागर की उत्ताल तरंगे नापते हुए पुन : घोषित करे तो इन वोट भय से आक्रांत अंधेरे के टुकड़ों को जनता के अस्वीकार की परची थमाई जा सकेगी। भारत का नवीन कायाकल्प नूतन धर्मचेतना के उदय-पथ से ही होगा। जब ईश्वर चंद्र विद्यासागर, दयानंद हुए, या हेडगेवार ने वह कर दिखाने के लिए पांच सहयोगियों को लेकर संघ गढ़ा, जो पहले कभी हिंदू समाज ने देखा न था, तो वे भी अपने वक्त के विद्रोही, चिर अशांत थे। श्यामा प्रसाद मुखर्जी और दीनदयाल, दोनों ही अकाल कालकवलित हुए, इसी विद्रोही, अशांत परम्परा के जाज्वल्यमान नक्षत्र थे।

जब विवेकानंद ने स्वदेश मंत्र दिया और कहा कि जिन्हें तुम नीच, चांडाल, अब्राह्मण कहते हुए दुत्कारते हो , वे सब तुम्हारे रक्त बंधु, तुम्हारे भाई हैं , जब उन्होंने बचपन, यौवन और वार्धक्य के अध्यात्म को भारत के रंग में रंगा, जब अरविंद ने देश को भवानी-भारती के रूप में स्थापित किया तो वे सब अपने समय की धारा को बदल रहे थे, सड़ चुकी परंपराओं के विरूद्ध चट्टान बने थे। बुझ चुके चिरागों के थके हुए दीपदान हमारा पथ आलोकित नहीं कर सकते। हिसाब मांगने का वक्त अब है। गांधी और दीनदयाल को पूजने की जरूरत नहीं, उनके नाम पर रास्ते, बगीचे, बाजार और इमारतें खड़ी करना, चलो ठीक होगा, पर उन्हें मानते हो तो उन्हें जियो , जीकर दिखाओ।

व्यक्ति नहीं रास्ता महत्वपूर्ण होता है। बचाता रास्ता है, व्यक्ति नहीं। रास्ता भूले तो फिर हमारी वाणी और व्यवहार प्रभाहीन हो जाते हैं। अब देखिए, कहीं गोहत्या बंद नहीं हुई। पर हम गोभक्त हैं। कही मतांतरण बंद नही हुआ, पर हम मतांतरण विरोधी हैं। कहीं हमारे हाथों भारतीय भाषाओं का सम्मान नहीं बढ़ा, पर हम भारतीयता के प्रहरी हैं। हम मंदिरों के रक्षक और सर्जक हैं, पर सरकारी नियंत्रण से कोई मंदिर बाहर निकाल नहीं पाए। हम देवी उपासक हैं, पर कन्या भ्रूण हत्या रोक पाते नहीं। हम राष्ट्र रक्षक हैं, पर कोई भी अपने चुनाव घोषणा पत्र में यह कसम खाने से डरता है कि सत्ता में आए तो हमारी जो एक लाख पच्चीस हजार वर्ग किलोमीटर जमीन चीन और पाकिस्तान ने हड़पी हुई है, उसे वापस लेने के संसद के सर्वसम्मत प्रस्ताव को हम क्रियान्वित करेंगे।

हम बगल के गांव जाते हैं तो अर्धचंद्राकार टोपी पहन कर अस्सलामवालेकुम कहते हैं। तुम्हारे गांव आते हैं तो सिर पर गोंद से शिखा चिपका कर रामनामी औढ़ लेते हैं। अब हमें न वोट दीजिएगा तो किसे दीजिएगा? हम जातितोड़क समरसता के सम्मेलन से दफ्तर लौटते हैं तो जाति के सर्टिफिकेट जांच कर चुनाव के टिकट बांटते हैं। वोट के हकदार हम ही तो हुए फिर। हम बहुत कुछ हैं, पर हम कुछ भी नहीं हैं। प्लीज हमें वोट दो ना? यह सेक्युलर चलन या असेक्युलर भ्रम तोड़ने के लिए विवेकानंद के घनप्रहार की ही प्रतीक्षा है। डरोगे तो मरोगे, मरने का डर न होगा, तभी पाओगे। अमरनाथ से पशुपतिनाथ के प्रसंग यही बताते हैं। पर यह स्थिति बहुत कम परिणाम में दिखती है। हम अजर, अमर, अविनाशी आत्मा वाले, जो कहते हैं कि चोला ही बदलता है, आत्मा नहीं, कितना डरते हैं खड़े होकर इनकार के स्वर गुंजाने में।

इसलिए विवेकानंद, हेडगेवार को याद करने, जीने की जरूत है। ठहराए हुए पानी में काई बहुत जमी है। उसे साफ करने के लिए तो कुदाली, घन और पत्थरों की ही जरूरत होगी। हर आंदोलन अपनी नई भाषा गढ़ता है, भारत भी नई भाषा गढ़े - उषा के साथ उन्मीलित होते सरोज की नाई। इस उषा काल में अगर नए भारत के अग्रणी भिन्न भाषा और मुहावरे भी बोल रहे हैं तो गंभीरता का तकाजा है उन्हें आगे बढ़ते देख मुदित हुआ जाए। हर कोई सिर्फ हमारी भाषा, हमारे सोच, हमारे शब्द - संसार के चर्च से बपतिस्मा लिए हो तभी हम उसे अपना कहेंगे, लेकिन यह चर्चीकरण करते हुए भी खुद को उस परंपरा का ध्वजवाहक कहेंगे जो चार्वाक के मतवैभिन्य को सम्मान देती है और किसी गैलीलियो को सजा नहीं देती - तो यह दोहरापन चलेगा नहीं। आकाश में सूराख हो सकता है, जरूरत सिर्फ तबीयत के साथ एक पत्थर उछालने की होती है। दुष्यंत कुमार ने वही कहा जो सच उन्होंने देखा था। इसलिए भक्ति से स्पंदित पशुपतिनाथ के आराधकों के लिए विद्रोह की अर्चना कर नवीन पाशुपातास्त्र के उपयोग की सिद्धता चाहिए। यह सिद्धता संसद मार्ग से नहीं आनंदमठ के स्वयं स्वीकृत कंटकाकीर्ण संघ पथ से मिलेगी।

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Dealing with Islamist terror

Barry Rubin

Hamas and Hizbullah, Iran, Muslim Brotherhood, and even Islamist impersonator Syria, are not persuadable through dialogue. They glory in death and won't rest till they achieve 'total victory'

David Grossman, an Israeli writer, has penned an essay entitled "Israel's success in Gaza only proves it is strong, not right." Aside from the irony of his being Israeli, Grossman's ideas are the ultimate expression of Western reaction to the terrorist -extremist challenge.

To his credit, Grossman notes there have been Palestinian 'crimes and mistakes', that the other side prefers violence, and that ignoring this "would be tantamount to belittling and condescending to them, as if they were not mature adults with minds of their own, responsible for their own decisions and failures."

But, he concludes, since Israel is stronger, it somehow controls the conflict's level of violence, able to be "calming it down and even bringing it to an end." How, he asks, will peace "ever come if we fail to comprehend just how grave is the responsibility that lies on our shoulders" for achieving it?

Grossman is upset that Israelis feel united and confident, complaining about, "Those who have taught us over the years to scoff at belief in peace and any hope for change in our relations with the Arabs. Those who have convinced us that the Arabs understand only force, and therefore that is the only language we can use in our dealings with them."

He adds, "And because we have spoken to them for so long in that language... we have forgotten that there are other languages for speaking to human beings, even to enemies, even bitter foes like Hamas" not just "the language of planes and tanks".

The reason why almost everyone in Israel disagrees with Grossman, however, isn't that they have forgotten anything but that they remember so accurately. It is no accident that Grossman's article is so vague and ahistorical because for him to cite specific examples must raise the sad fact that "those who have taught us over the years to scoff at belief in peace and any hope for change in our relations with the Arabs", are the Palestinians themselves.

Why doesn't he mention the 1993-2000 peace process experience? Why not one word about radical Islamism? Because what undercuts his claims are two realities he won't face and a psychological crutch that he and some others understandably cannot do without.

The first reality is that Israel remembers the Palestinian and Syrian rejection of peace. From 1993 to 2000, Israel made deep concessions and took great risks. The Palestinian leadership and Syria turned down a plan which included returning the entire Golan Heights and establishing an independent Palestinian state with east Jerusalem as its capital.

Grossman and those thinking like him forget that Palestinian rejection of peace makes Israelis conclude logically that Palestinians aren't ready to make peace. Even Fatah forces in Gaza -- the 'moderates' -- brag not only about firing more than 100 rockets at Israel but also of fighting alongside Islamic jihad, a group even more extreme than Hamas!

The second reality he ignores is radical Islamism's rise. Hamas and Hizbullah, Iran, Muslim Brotherhoods, and even Islamist impersonator Syria, aren't persuadable through dialogue. They reject all lessons of West Asia's last 60 years. They want to fight for decades; they expect total victory.

Israelis know these forces won't be moderated by Israeli words or deeds. Grossman's good will doesn't interest the other side. Nice well-meaning people who oppose violence, advocate compromise, and offer huge concessions face those wanting to wipe them off the map, rejecting compromise, and interpreting other's concessions as surrender.

It's no accident that Grossman and those who talk like him know little of West Asia politics and have less contact with Arabs or Muslims than those disagreeing with them. Hamas has no difficulty believing such people exist because they embody the Islamists' stereotype of a weak West fearing violence, begging for mercy, and being easily beaten.

Part of dialogue is to hear what the other side says. Do so with Hamas and Iran; see if you still believe in dialogue. Here is what key Hamas leader Ismail Radwan said in a post-war victory rally: "Gaza is not our goal. The liberation of all of Palestine, from the (Jordan) river to the (Mediterranean) sea, god willing, will be achieved." Sorry, David, I don't think you are going to make him change his mind.

That brings us to the psychological crutch: Wishful thinking. It's hard to face a life-long confrontation with evil forces seeking your utter destruction. It's unpleasant to admit there's no alternative to waging that struggle.

In contrast, it's empowering to say: We can solve this with words and sensitivity. That's why Grossman sounds sensible to outsiders knowing little and irrelevant to those understanding the specific situation:

"We must initiate speech," says Grossman, "insist on speech, let no one put us off." It doesn't matter if "dialogue seems hopeless from the start" because it will protect us far more than "hundreds of planes dropping bombs." Why is that? Because we will all come to our senses once we understand how much harm we do to each other and how 'utterly senseless' is violence.

Talk is cheap. How strange is the assumption that once both sides grasp the horror of killing their enemies they'll be repelled. But Hamas isn't repelled it's thrilled. As for the idea that violence is 'senseless', Hamas thinks it a glorious means to its goal.

There is, of course, an alternative dialogue with Palestinians and Arabs. Deal with the Palestinian Authority -- without illusions -- for minimum violence and maximum mutual benefit. Cooperate with Arab states that hate Hamas, the Islamists and Iran because of their own interests. But this requires intimidating, deterring, weakening, and discrediting Hamas. Which is why the Gaza war was imperative and concessions to Hamas are disastrous.

Beyond strategic considerations is a profound trauma, a bewildering contradiction to everything the Western intellectual, artist or policymaker holds dear. Enlightenment man meets the Dark Ages' advocate who sneers at reason; realpolitik man meets those indifferent to interests; materialistic man meets those repelled by materialism; and humanistic man meets those who glory in death and destruction.

-- The writer is Director of the Gloria Center, Jerusalem, and Editor of MERIA journal.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Real Talibans of India

Dinesh Krishna

When a female journalist called Soumya Vishwanathan was killed in India'a national capital, the Chief Minister of Delhi Smt Sheila Dixit blamed the dead female journalist for her own tragedy by saying that she was too adventurous. The Media wholeheartedly supported Mrs Dixit and went gaga over her shortly afterwards, when she won the Delhi Assembly elections.

When Scarlett Keeling was raped and killed in Goa and the needle of suspicion pointed to a strong nexus between the Goan Ministers, the drug mafia and the sex racketeers, the media played it very safe by conveniently choosing not to pursue the leads from the investigation.

When a 14-year-old German girl was raped by Rohit Monserrate, the 21-year-old son of Goa Education Minister Atanasio Monserrate who is also a powerful political figure in Goa, and the girl's mother was repeatedly harassed and their lawyer was grievously injured in order to coerce him to withdraw from the case, the Media didn't find anything extraordinary in that.

When Taslima Nasreen's press conference was rudely disrupted and chairs and all sorts of dangerous objects were thrown at her in full glare of the cameras by the "secular" muslim jihadis of Hyderabad lead by the MLAs of Majlis Ittehadul Muslimeen (MIM), the Media didnt at all find anything amiss in that.

When Laxmi Oraon, an Adivasi woman was brutally thrashed and paraded naked through the streets of Guwahati, Assam, with the whole police paraphernalia and official state machinery in tow, the Media chose to downplay the episode since, the victim was a hapless adivasi woman from the lower strata of society.

The Media felt that since all the above unsavoury incidents had occured in the states lead by Madam Sonia Antonia Maino's puppets, it is all perfectly legitimate and absolutely secular and progressive.

Kudos to the Media who are the Real Talibans of India.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Slumdog is about defaming Hindus

The pioneer

Kanchan Gupta

In keeping with American politics of the times, Slumdog Millionaire has been nominated for as many as 10 Oscars and our deracinated media, which constantly looks for inspirational ‘good news’ stories that invariably revolve around Western appreciation of ‘truthful’ portrayal of the Indian ‘reality’, has gone into a tizzy. Saturday’s edition of a newspaper published from New Delhi had a blurb on the front page that read, “The Slumdog story: How ‘Danny uncle’ and his ‘moral compass’ created the biggest ‘Indian’ blockbuster — and why you should watch it.” Predictably, the chattering classes, who had been blissfully ignorant of Vikas Swarup’s Q and A (as they had been of Aravind Adiga’s The White Tiger till its perverse denigration of India and all things Indian wowed the judges of last year’s Man Booker prize) are now making a beeline for the nearest bookshop for a copy of the novel, whose title has been suitably changed to Slumdog Millionaire so that the book and the film are eponymous and both publisher and producer can encash the extraordinary hype that has been generated. Late last year, there was similar hoopla over AR Rahman getting the Golden Globe award for the music he has scored for Slumdog Millionaire. An approving pat on the back by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, it would seem, is the most important marker in an artiste’s career. Those Indian musicians who haven’t got the Golden Globe are not worthy of honour at home just as Sahitya Akademi award winners are not worthy of finding space on our bookshelves, leave alone feature on news pages or news bulletins.

The larger point is not really about going gaga over an American award or a British prize, but how they are seen as India being admitted into the charmed circle whose membership is strictly controlled and is by invitation only. That invitation invariably follows a certain pattern; it’s not merely the keepers of the gate chanting, “Eeny meeny miny mo, catch a tiger by his toe, if he hollers let him go…” Apart from the fact that the ‘tigers’ in this case are not hollering but salivating at the prospect of seeing themselves clutching a handful of trophies on Oscar night, the nomination process is far more rigorous than we would think, with filters to keep out those films and books that do not serve the judges’ purpose or pander to their fanciful notions — in this case, of India. Aravind Adiga crafted his novel in a manner that it could not but impress the Man Booker judges who see India as a seething mass of unwashed hordes which worship pagan gods, are trapped in caste-based prejudices, indulge in abominable practices like untouchability, and are not worthy of being considered as an emerging power, never mind economic growth and knowledge excellence. Similarly, Danny Boyle has made a film that portrays every possible bias against India and structured it within the matrix of Western lib-left perceptions of the Indian ‘reality’ which have little or nothing in common with the real India in which we live.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Boyle’s film is about a slum where extreme social exclusion, political suppression and economic deprivation define the lives of its inhabitants. He has made every effort to shock and awe the film’s audience by taking recourse to graphic and gory portrayal of bloodthirsty Hindu mobs on the rampage — the idiom that defines India as it is imagined by the lib-left Western mind — laying to waste Muslim lives (a Hindu is shown slitting a Muslim woman’s throat in an almost frame-by-frame remake of the videotape that was released by the killers of Daniel Pearl) and property. There’s more that makes you want to throw up the last meal you had: Hindu policemen torturing Muslims by giving them ‘electric shock therapy’, street children being physically disfigured and then forced to beg, and such other scenes of a medieval society where rule of law does not exist and every Hindu is a rapacious monster eager to make a feast of helpless Muslims.

Nor is it surprising that Boyle should have cunningly changed the name of the film’s — as also the book’s — protagonist from Vikas Swarup’s Ram Mohammad Thomas (a sort of tribute to the Amar Akbar Antony brand of ‘secularism’ which was fashionable in the 1970s) to Jamal Malik. The name implies a Kashmiri connection, and we can’t put it beyond Boyle suggesting a link between Jamal’s travails — it is his mother whose throat is shown as being slit by a Hindu — and the imagined victimhood of Kashmir’s Muslims who, the lib-left intelligentsia in the West insists, are ‘persecuted by Hindu India’. Asked about the protagonist’s name being changed, Swarup is believed to have said that it was done to “make it sound more politically correct”. There is a second hidden message: The Hindu quizmaster on the ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire?’ show has doubts about Jamal, who gets all the questions right, not because he is a ‘slumdog’ but because he is a Muslim; so he sets India’s Hindu police on the hapless boy. Swarup did not quite put it that way in his book, but the film does so, and understandably the critics in Hollywood who sport Obama buttons are impressed.

The last time depravity was portrayed as the Indian ‘reality’ was when Roland Joffé did a cinematic version of Dominique Lapierre’s City of Joy. In that film, the Missionaries of Charity were shown as the saviours of an India trapped in filth, squalor, poverty and Hindu superstition. Some two decades later, Boyle has rediscovered Joffé’s India and made appropriate changes to fit his film into the Hindu-bad-Muslim-good mould so that it has a resonance in today’s America where it is now fashionable to look at the world through the eyes of Barack Hussein Obama.

In her review of the film, “Shocked by Slumdog’s poverty porn”, Alice Miles writes in The Times: “Like the bestselling novel by the Americanised Afghan Khaled Hosseini, A Thousand Splendid Suns, Slumdog Millionaire is not a million miles away from a form of pornographic voyeurism. Slumdog Millionaire is poverty porn.” Commenting on the BBFC's decision to “place this work in the comedy genre”, she says, “Comedy? So maybe that’s it: I just didn't get the joke.” It’s doubtful whether most Indians, Hindus and Muslims, would get it either if they were to watch Slumdog Millionaire.

Liquidate Pakistan and Rebuild Akhand Bharat

Sadhu Rangarajan
(Founder, Sri Bharatamata Mandir, Srinivasanagar,
Krishnarajapuram, Bangalore 560 036.
Phone: 080-25610935 / 25613716; Cell: 9448275935;

Sri Aurobindo’s Clarion Call

“Mother India is not a piece of earth; She is a Power, a Godhead, for all nations have such a Devi supporting their separate existence and keeping it in being. Such beings are as real and more permanently real than the men they influence but they belong to a higher plane, are part of the cosmic consciousness and being and act here on earth by shaping the human consciousness on which they exercise their influence. It is natural for man who sees only his own consciousness individual, national or racial at work and does not see what works upon it and shapes it, to think that all is created by him and there is nothing cosmic and greater behind it”, proclaimed Mahayogi Sri Aurobindo in a letter which he wrote on December 2, 1946.

The political leaders of Bharat on the eve of Indian Independence lost sight of this grand vision of the great Mother and saw Her only as a stretch of earth—a land to be ruled—and in their eagerness to grab power when it came near because of the inability of the British to continue any more their colonial Raj on account of the heavy losses suffered in World War and the revolt of the mercenary Indian Army, Navy and Air force under the influence of the Indian National Army of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, they played into the hands of the cunning white man to divide Indian Empire to permanently weaken it and agreed to the partition of the nation. To the misfortune of the nation and the good luck of the power hungry politicians, Netaji, the real father of Independent India, was not on the scene and the story that he died in a plane crash was in circulation. The Congress leaders proclaimed themselves as the architects of Indian Independence and snatched the ruler-ship of the truncated India which bled heavily due to the vivisection. Sri Aurobindo who was a recluse at that time, proclaimed in his message on the All India Radio on the occasion of Indian Independence on August 15, 1947:

“India is free but she has not achieved unity, only a fissured and broken freedom…. The old communal division into Hindu and Muslim seems to have hardened into the figure of a permanent political division of the country. It is to be hoped that the Congress and the nation will not accept the settled fact as ever settled or as anything more than a temporary expedient. For if it lasts, India may be seriously weakened, even crippled: civil strife may remain always possible, possible even a new invasion and foreign conquest. The partition of the country must go,--it is to be hoped by a slackening of tension, by a progressive understanding of the need of peace and concord, by the constant necessity of common and concerted action, even of an instrument of union for that purpose. In this way unity may come about under whatever form –the exact form may have a pragmatic but not a fundamental importance. But by whatever means, the division must and will go. For without it the destiny of India might be seriously impaired and even frustrated. But that must not be.”

Warning by Dr. Ambedkar

Partition brought unprecedented massacre and bloodshed of innocent Hindus who were driven out of their homes, villages and towns which fell in the territory of the Islamic nation carved out by Jinnah. Millions were uprooted from their homes and thousands of Hindu women were raped and children massacred by the fanatic Muslims in Pakistan while Gandhi, Nehru and other secular Congress leaders saw to it that the Hindus in the Indian territory did not on the whole react violently against the atrocities committed against their brethren in West Punjab and Sindh and instead gave enough protection to the Muslims in the Indian territory. By the end of 1947, 40 lakhs of Hindus came to India as refugees. Immediately after the partition, the Pakistani Army invaded Kashmir and the Indian Army pushed them back. However, before they could evict the Pakistani soldiers from Indian Territory, Pandit Nehru took the Kashmir issue to UN thereby making the Kashmir problem a permanent headache to our nation.

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar had rightly warned that the Muslim appeasement policy of the Congress would prove itself to be a permanent and prolonged nemesis to India. He had written: “It seems to me Congress has failed to realize two things: the first thing was the Congress has failed to realize the difference between appeasement and settlement and the difference is an essential one. Appeasement means buying off the aggressor by conniving at his acts of loot, rape, arson and murder against innocent persons. On the other hand settlement lays down boundaries which neither party can transgress. Appeasement sets no limit to the demands or aspirations of the aggressor. Settlement does. The second thing the Congress has failed to realize is that the policy of concession has increased Muslim aggressiveness and what is worse Muslims interpret these concessions as a sign of defeatism on the part of the Hindus and the absence of will to resist. This policy of appeasement will involve the Hindus in the same fearful situation in which the Allies found themselves as a result of their policy of appeasement towards Hitler.”

Incessant Proxy War against India

In the Free India, the Muslim appeasement policy became an extreme necessity for the Congress for its survival as it had to depend more and more on the vote bank of the Muslims and minorities to fight against the rising patriotic Hindu forces. This emboldened the rabid communal-minded Muslims in the Indian Territory to act as agents of Pakistan and promote acts of terrorism to destabilize the Indian nation. The Pakistan occupied Kashmir became the breeding ground for the Islamic Mujahedeen to wage its war against India through wide-spread terrorist acts. From 1989, Pakistan has been provoking Kashmiri militants and saw that 55,000 Kashmiri Pundits were driven out of the valley.

The Inter-Service Intelligence of Pakistan went ahead with systematic planning and programme of promoting terrorism in Indian Territory by creating a widespread network of its agents recruited from treacherous Muslims in India. Dawood Ibrahim, a notorious don of Mumbai and international drug peddler, who flourished during the regime of Adur Rahman Antulay as the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, became the chief of Islamic terrorist forces in India. In 1993, Davood Ibrahim’s group indulged in blasts in Mumbai. In 1998, the statistics prepared by the Ministry of Home Affairs spoke of the magnitude of ISI sponsored terrorism in India:

Civilians killed: 29,151. Security forces personnel killed: 5,101. Explosions caused: 4730. Persons rendered homeless: 2,78,601. Estimated private and public property damaged: Rs.2000 crore. Estimated Security related costs: (a) Compensation to victims, expenditure on displaced persons, border fencing, raising of local counter-terrorist forces etc.: Rs.18,500 crore. (b)Estimated expenditure on Army and Para-military forces deployed on internal security duties: Rs.46,000 crore. (c) Losses due to disruption of economic activity in terrorism affected states: unquantifiable. Automatic and other sophisticated weapons smuggled into Bharat: 61,900 (recovered only 47,700). High Explosives, mostly RDX, inducted: 51,810 kg. (recovered only 43,700 kg.)

It is not for nothing that an organization of just 25,000 personnel inflicted a “thousand cuts” on Bharat and unleashed such a well orchastered terror campaign that a country of one billion people is still fighting a no-win battle even as the security forces are stretched to their limits for the last three decades. The attack on Indian Parliament took place in 2005. The climax of this proxy war is the terrorist attack on Mumbai on November 26, 2008, which killed more than 300 people including foreign tourists and top police officials and commandos, injured more than 700, besides rocking the financial capital of the country. The target was to kill 5000 people. ISI recruited terrorists for Lashkar-E-Toiba, Jaish-e-Mohammed and Al Qaeda, the combined forces behind this operation.

Betrayal by the Ruling Politicians

Those who are directly responsible for the senseless violence that has taken place in Mumbai are none other than the UPA Government in power who deliberately slept over the messages and warnings of grave threat from the Islamic terrorists. Annoyed by the growth of Hindu nationalist forces in different states, the UPA Government drew out a nefarious plan to terrorize the Hindu leaders, especially the saints and spiritual leaders of the Hindu community, from supporting the pro-Hindu political forces. In order to combat the rising Hindu tide, they needed the support of the Muslims, Christians and the Communists and went out of the way to please them. They adopted a policy of going slow against the Islamic terrorists who indulged in large scale bomb blasts in different parts of the country, deliberately delayed the hanging of the terrorist Afzal Guru, sentenced to death by the Supreme Court, failed to take action on the Christian militants who killed a Hindu saint, Swami Lakshmanananda and his disciples who were working against the Christian proselytization in Orissa, and to divert the attention of the people from growing Islamic terrorism, foisted cases against Hindu saints like Sadhvi Prajna and Shankaracharya of Sharada Peeth and spread the canard of Hindu terrorism though no evidence has been brought forth so far against the Hindu saints. In their over anxiety to denigrate Hindu leaders and prevent the growth of Hindu nationalist forces against the exposed camouflage of secularism, the Congress under the leadership of Sonia Gandhi preferred to turn their eyes away from the growing work of the ISI, LeT and Mujahideen in India.

Manmohan Singh, A.K. Antony and M.K. Narayanan were well aware of the plan of attacks of Islamic Militants coming to India through sea, right from early 2007. They slept over the warnings of Intelligence agencies. On March 8, 2007, the Defence Minister, A.K. Antony said in Lok Sabha: “There are reports about terrorists of various tanzeems being imparted training and likelihood of their infiltration through sea routes.” On May 9, 2007, Home Minister, Shivraj Patil said in Rajya Sabha: “As per available reports, Pak based terrorist groups, particularly LeT, have been exploring possibilities of induction of manpower and terrorist hardware through the sea route.” National Security Advisor, M.K. Narayanan, said on December 8, 2007: “According to our information, recruits from 14 to 15 countries have been identified as amongst the trainees there (on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border)…Training has been extremely rigorous—it is almost frightening in nature…Studies are being carried out about important targets, with regard to vulnerability, accessibility, poor security, absence of proper counter-terrorism measures, etc. The sea route, in particular, is becoming the chosen route for carrying out many attacks, even on land.” Shivraj Patil addressing the Directors General and Inspectors General of Police in November 2008 had said: “Some Lashkar-e-Toiba operatives are also being trained specially for sabotage of oil installations. There are plans to occupy uninhabited islands off the country’s coastline to use them as bases for launching operations on the Indian coast.”On November 13, 2008, just a fortnight before the assaults in Mumbai, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh himself had warned: “Terrorism and threats from the sea continue to challenge the authority of the State.”

Fahim Ansari, a Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorist, was arrested in Uttar Pradesh on 31 December 2007 for attacking a camp of Central Reserve Police in MP. At that time police recovered from him, apart from guns and bombs, some maps drawn by him, presenting the Mumbai beach and the roads to different parts in the city and the time for journey to the spots. The places that Ansari had specified in the map included Chatrapati Shivaji Railway station, Taj Hotel, etc. which were targeted by the militants on November 26 attack. These maps were included in the charge sheet filed by the UP Police. Though the information was received even one year ago, no action was taken. Who ordered the police not to take any action in this regard?

In December 2008, ATS arrested in Lucknow, Abdul Jabbar, a Pakistani national, carrying documents related to the Army and maps of Lucknow, apart from Rs.9000 and a mobile phone.

Warning by Intelligence Agencies

The CIA in the first week of September, 2008, had shared information with India’s external espionage agency R&AW of a conspiracy being hatched to attack Mumbai through the sea route. Working on the details provided by the CIA, R&AW had gathered more information and had finally alerted its counterpart IB about Al Husseini, the LeT flagship, leaving Karachi port with terrorists on board. On November 19, the IB informed the Government about a Lashkar-e-Toiba vessel standing on the high seas, with details of the ship. On October 12, IB had submitted a report on the possibilities of the Lashkar launching a sea-based commando operation to bring men and material into India. Earlier, on September 24, the IB had informed the Maharashtra Police and the Central agencies about the threat to top Mumbai hotels, naming the Taj, Oberoi and Mariott as possible targets and seeking more security there. Devabhai Bhagawatibhai Tandel, Vice-President of the Fishermen Association in Krishnapura village in Navsari Dt. had alerted the Maharashtra Government about some suspicious activities in the Arabian sea. Citing a US Intelligence official, ABC News reported that information about a potential attack “from the sea against hotels and business centres in Mumbai” was passed on to Indian counterparts in mid-October. CNN cited un-named Indian officials as confirming that not only did the US warn them of a water-borne attack in Mumbai, they were told twice, and specific locations, including the Taj hotel, were listed in the US warning. R&AW leaks pin down failure by National Security Adviser. The agency had passed on satellite intercepts of conversations on September 18, September 24 and November 29, which clearly said a hotel at the Gateway in Mumbai was targeted and the sea route would be used. A later transcript broadened the ambit of the targets by even naming the Taj, the Marriot, the Lands End, the Sea Rock, all sea front hotels eminently accessible by the sea, as well as the Juhu airfield.

Attack directed by LeT

Pakistani merchant vessel MV Al Hussaini was used by the ten LeT terrorists before they shifted to an Indian fishing boat to reach Mumbai. The captured terrorist, Ajmal Amin Kamal, has said that his other team members caught hold of five men on MV Kuber and then killed four of them while keeping one—Amarsinh—alive to drive the launch vessel to Caffe Parade port in Mumbai. Even when the groups were holed up or ere moving around in Taj, Oberoi and Nariman House or engaged in combat with the NSG, they were continuously talking to the Chief of LeT intelligence and technology wing Zakir-Ul-Rehman and taking instructions from him through their satellite and mobile phones. The Lashka-e-Toiba handlers of the Mumbai attackers directed their Jihadi charges in a ruthlessly calm and calculated manner. Indian investigators have precise intercepts of conversation between the LeT squad in Mumbai and its Pakistani handlers. The terrorists spoke in rustic Punjabi accents and controllers were clearly located in Pakistan. “Aag lagao, aag lagao”, LeT bosses told Mumbai attackers. According to sources, details of Voice over Internet Protocol calls between the Jihadis holed up in the Taj and Trident hotels and Nariman House and their Lashkar bosses in Pakistan provide a chilling account of the remorseless efficiency with which the massacre was choreographed. The Pakistan-based leaders told their wards at Nariman House to kill the Israelis. The terrorists were also asked to spare Muslims in the two hotels. Kasab revealed that the bosses instructed his team to assemble at Karachi, where they stayed for over two months and sharpened their Hindi before leaving for Mumbai.

LeT commander Zarar Shah, picked up from Pakistan-occupied Kashmir during the recent crackdown under US pressure, has not only admitted his own role, but implicated other Lashkar members as well, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing a Pakistani security official. Pakistan navy and ISI were involved in training the Mumbai terrorists and more than three hundred such trained terrorists are ready to strike any time. IB says there are 800 centres of Jihadi militants and the Reserve Bank says they have 400 bank accounts.

Mounting Evidences

Conversation between the terrorists and Lashkar leaders, identified as senior Jihadis, Zarar Shah, Abu Hamza and Abu Qafa, is now a crucial part of the clinching evidence of Mumbai attacks being a handiwork of the ISI-backed Pakistani terror tanzim. Though the Lashkar leaders used VoIP to mask their identity and the origin of calls, cooperation from foreign agencies, including the US Federal Bureau of Investigation, helped Indian investigators access the call details. United States Senator John McCain has said that there is enough evidence of the involvement of former Inter-Service Intelligence officers in the planning and execution of the Mumbai attacks. Ejaz Haider, a senior Editor at the Daily Times, who attended a lunch in Lahore, which a select group of Pakistanis had with McCain, quoted him as saying: “The democratic government of India is under pressure and it will be a matter of days after they have given the evidence to Pakistan (that they decide) to use the option of force if Islamabad fails to act against the terrorists.” Suggesting that it is time for Pakistan to act, a Western diplomat told the Journal: “They’ve got the guys. They have the confessions. What do they do now? We want to see the entire terror infrastructure dismantled. There needs to be real prosecutions this time.” Mumbai Police on Tuesday, December 9, 2008, released pictures, names and aliases of all ten terrorists who wreaked havoc in Mumbai, along with area of Pakistan that they belong to. Sources in the security agencies claimed that Al Husseini, actually belonging to Lashkar-e-Toiba, was operating under the guise of a merchant ship to evade identity and that could probably be the reason of its sudden disappearance.

Antulay and Jaiswal attempt to Mislead

In spite of the voluminous evidence for the involvement of the ISI, LeT and Mujahideen in the attack on Mumbai, Minister of State for Home Affairs, Sri Prakash Jaiswal, had the guts to tell the media on November 29, 2008, ‘terror could be a conspiracy hatched by right-wing Hindu parties’. Abdur Rahman Antulay, had the guts to suspect the hand of Hindu terrorists in the shooting down of Hemant Karkare, the Chief of ATS, who died in the operation against the Mumbai terrorists on November 26, 2008. During the conversation of the terrorists with their bosses in Pakistan which has been tracked down by the intelligence, a terrorist told their boss in an excited voice: “Koi Commissioner mara gaya hai...”, — a reference to killing of ATS chief Hemant Karkare and a confirmation that he was not, as conspiracy theorists allege, specifically targeted. This is enough to show to what an extent the Congress leaders could go to appease the Muslims by shielding the terrorists and creating wild allegations against the imaginary ‘Hindu terrorists’ .

The resignations of Union Home Minister Shivaraj Patil, who failed to prevent the attack, and the Maharashtra Home Minister RR Patil, who said such attacks are common in big cities and should not be taken seriously, in the aftermath of Mumbai attack, are just eye-wash. The role of many leaders of the secular parties who are in the pay role of the international don, Davood Ibrahim, is to be seriously investigated. One former Congress minister of Maharashtra has openly said that an associate of the don was found in the chamber of the Maharashtra Chief Minister and he has even threatened that the role of some political leaders will be revealed soon.

Role of Dawood Ibrahim

Drug Baron Dawood Ibrahim was directly involved in last month’s terror attacks in Mumbai, according to a top Russian official, Director of Russia’s Federal Anti-Narcotics Service, Viktor Ivanov. ‘The Mumbai terror has been planned for the last six months’ and ‘the terrorists came from Karachi; they landed on the Indian coast through boats; they were trained by Pakistan Navy for 12 to 18 months; Davood Ibrahim’s local infra structure has provided the logistics for the attack; the terror bears the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) stamp’, say the media reports citing Indian intelligence and Mumbai Police.

While Central Security agencies claimed that there was no role of local groups, Mumbai Police were looking for a Colaba based businessman, who allegedly runs a diesel smuggling racket for underworld don Dawood Ibrahim. An organization based in the US had said last month that it suspected the hand of Dawood Ibrahim in the Mumbai terrorist attack. “The killings in Mumbai appear to be a Dawood Ibrahim-style operation”, Ahmar Mustikhan, founder of the American Friends of Baluchistan, has said soon after the blasts.

Mumbai Police along with ATS and IB are working overtime to trace the trail of funds which were routed to India for terror attacks in Mumbai. They have questioned several members of the cartel, most of who operate in the guise of importers and exporters, suspected to be close to Dawood Ibrahim and Chota Shakeel and have scrutinized their transactions for large amounts from Pakistan, especially Karachi. The IB has pointed out one such transaction of about Rs. 1 crore from Karachi by an exporter from Mumbai who is a history-sheeter under the scan of IB. There is allegation that many of the terrorists have invested large amounts in share market. Has the Government ever probed who is the conduit through which these investments have been made?

Local Muslims behind the Terrorists

Kolkata Police arrested two persons—constable Muktar Ahmed Sheikh of Srinagar and a Sub-Inspector of State Police Crime Branch, for allegedly buying SIM cards on fake identities, three of which were used by Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorists in Mumbai during the November 26 strikes. The Mumbai attack dossier given by India to Pak says that six terrorists, part of the Pakistani group which struck in Mumbai, had been sent to Kashmir for some operations. The Intelligence Bureau is unearthing details about fugitive terrorists Riyas Bhatkal, Touqueer and others who are suspected to have played a role in Mumbai multiple terror attacks. As Riyaz, Touqueer and his associates are from the southern region, the police are trying to find out whether they have helped the terrorists in carrying out one of the most brutal attacks on Mumbai.

Pakistani flags were hoisted in Tipusultan Chowk and Managuli Agasi in Bijapur on Sunday, December 7, 2008. Police suspect that hundreds of youths who underwent training in Pakistan occupied Kashmir could be members of the terror outfit which is the brain child of LeT. The arrests of many associates of Riyaz and Touqueer in the region might have turned the heat on the terrorists prompting them to hit back by carrying out the attacks on the commercial capital of the country. “They may have assisted in bringing terrorists from Pakistan through Arabian sea”, an IB official said.

Mumbai police’s revelation that the 10 attackers were part of a 30 strong suicide squad has given rise to fears that the remaining 20 recruits may be on the loose.

Unreliable support of US and Britain

For the US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, it is “non-state actors” and not the state of Pakistan, who are guilty of Jihad in India. Manmohan’s statement last year that Pakistan itself is victim of terrorism encouraged her to give a clean chit to Pakistan. A day before Rice visited Pakistan and spoke of ‘non-state actors”, the US Joint Chief of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen was in Pakistan and he reportedly told the Pakistan government that the US itself had proof of the involvement of ISI in the attack.

Two US espionage officials, in their middle ages had come to Taj to evaluate the threat perception in case a terrorist attack was launched from the sea. They were at Taj after being alerted of a probable terrorist attack on Taj by CIA, the espionage agency of the US, and were expected to safeguard the interests of US citizens. They were among the victims in the terrorist attack on Taj. The unanswered question is whether LeT had prior information about American agents in Taj and was the input on Al Husseini’s voyage shared with the US Agency?

A senior US Official was quoted by the Wall Street Journal as saying: “Pakistan can show its good faith by extraditing a couple of these people (to India).” What about the top brains behind the attack including their Indian associates like Davood Ibrahim who are taking refuge in Pakistan? Why is not America demanding the extradition of these criminals to India? For the US, Pakistan fighting the Taliban is more important than preventing Pakistani Jihadis operating in India. Therefore they do not want Pakistan to weaken its concentration of forces in the Afghan border to strengthen the forces on the Indian border and with this object in view, they are pressurizing India to go slow against Pakistan.

British Foreign Secretary, David Miliband, who visited India has pointed his finger at the Kashmir issue as the root cause of Pakistani terrorism. How could India trust these foreign powers which run with the hare and hunt with hound to solve the problem of security threat to our nation? And for Britain which master-minded the partition of our country, a divided and truncated India in the Asian continent continues to be a necessity.

Aggressive Posture of Pak

Amidst international efforts to tone down the rising tension between India and Pakistan, religious groups in Pakistan have decreed that 'Jihad' or the 'holy war' would become mandatory for every citizen of Pakistan if India wages a war. According to a 'fatwa' issued by an all parties' conference, "Jihad will be mandatory for the Pakistani nation in case India attacks the country," the Daily Times reported. The participants in the all party meeting also demanded the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) to issue a declaration condemning India. Expressing concern over the current political scenario, the joint communique opined that the two major political parties of the country should not create difficulties for each other, as it would worsen Pakistan's current crises. The meet was attended by a number of noted religious scholars and heads of various religious and political parties, including the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz, the Tehreek-e-Insaaf, the Sunni Tehrik, the Mustafai Tehrik, the Jamiat Ulema-e-Pakistan, the Minhajul Quran, the Nizam-e-Mustafa Party and the Jamaat Ahle Sunnat. (ANI)

Jaish-e-Mohammed founder and top terrorist Maulana Masood Azhar has been placed under “house arrest” as international pressure mounted on Pakistan to act against the “non-state actors” in the aftermath of Mumbai attacks. However, Islamabad rejected India’s demand to hand over the JeM founder along with two 1993 Bombay blasts accused—dons Dawood Ibrahim and Tiger Memon. Sources in Islamabad have also pointed out that no action would be taken against Masood unless India provides “concrete evidence” of his involvement in the Mumbai terror attacks. Unfazed by arrests in raids under American pressure, Lashkar-e-Toiba coordinator says to the Washington Times in Lahore that the raids and arrests will not cripple the group’s activities and it has thousands of members. “We’re still well organized and active”.

Pakistan has deployed several army brigades along the Indo-Pak Border sparking concern in the Indian Armed Forces. The forces have been withdrawn from Pakistan’s troubled north-western tribal belt where they were battling Taliban to put pressure on the US.

Helplessness of Indian Government

Right from day one of the Mumbai attack, the Indian leaders have been expressing their inability or unwillingness to take strong action against the aggressor. Prime Minister Manmohan, immediately after the attack, invited the Chief of ISI to come to Delhi to participate in the investigation. What a wonderful idea of asking the very dacoit chief to apprehend the thieves! In spite of the confirmation of the role of Pakistan Government and its agencies, ISI and LeT, in the Mumbai carnage, the Prime Minister rules out any military action against the aggressor. Home Minister P. Chidambaram goes one step further and appeals to Pakistan, “What we now want is cast iron guarantees that no state actors or non-state ones will be allowed to use Pakistani soil or sources to launch an attack on India”. What will India do if Pakistan repeats the act? He says, Pakistan will have to pay enormous price. Is there greater joke than this?

All the tall talk that India will directly apply force and also appeal to world community to exert force on Pakistan to hand over the culprits for criminal prosecution has now withered into thin air. Pranab Mukherjee, External Affairs Minister, reacting to the statement of Pakistan Interior Ministry chief, Rehman Malik, about “arrests” of 124 leaders of groups like Jamaat-ud-Dawa—including its founder Hafeez Saeed—and shutting down of a few of its camps, indicated that Pakistani nationals could be tried in that country as well, if the trial was transparent. The criminal can prosecute himself! What a superb idea! When the media exposed the absolute cowardice and spinelessness of the Government, the External Affairs Minister came out with clarification that he meant only Pakistani terrorists to be tried in Pakistan and the Indian terrorists who have taken refuge in Pakistan must be handed over to India. Now he has gone back to the earlier demand that all the terrorists should be extradited to India. Should the people of India and the armed forces of the country continue to trust this week, impotent and vacillating political leaders and leave the fate of this nation in their corrupt hands?

Indian Army Must Rise to Crush Pak

As per reports of the US and European intelligence agencies, India’s lone carrier INS Viraat could be attacked by a hijacked helicopter or an aircraft. It should not come as a surprise that the lone aircraft carrier Viraat undergoing repairs at Kochi shipyard is a target of terrorists. The inputs and analysis of the recent Mumbai terror attack from the sea have brought out the fact that the Pakistan Navy and ISI trained over 500 volunteers in marine warfare and selected over 30 for sea borne terrorist attacks. Of the ten terrorists who came by boat, nine were killed and Ajmal Kasab is under police custody. There are still questions about the number of terrorists who landed on the coast. It is still not certain if some of the terrorists landed elsewhere along the coast and are waiting to strike at chosen assets including the carrier/port facilities at Kochi or even targets on the east coast. CISF that is tasked with the security of the port and also the Kochi ship yard was not aware of this till the media reported about the threat.

At this juncture it is the duty of the Armed forces to protect the safety and security of the nation without leaving the matter to the political decision of impotent leaders in power. It is very clear that those who are in power are at present more interested in protecting their own positions than the security of the nation. The fate of our great nation could not be left into their hands. The armed forces should pay heed to the advice of former President, APJ Abdul Kalam, who has, advocated a three-pronged strategy to combat terror which includes raiding and smashing militant hideouts both inside and outside the country. Interacting with students in Hamirpur, he said, firstly, a vigorous national campaign, involving every citizen, should be launched to tackle the terror menace. Secondly, Kalam advocated carrying out raids to destroy terror hideouts both inside and outside the country. "Terror can be eliminated by raiding and smashing militant hideouts both inside and outside the country," he said. Lastly, there was need for speedy trial of cases relating to terrorism to punish perpetrators of such crimes, he said.

It is time for the brave soldiers of Indian Army, Navy and Air Force to recall the immense sacrifices that the men in uniform have made in the Himalayan glaciers and on the Kashmir border from the very days immediately after Independence till now to protect the motherland. Lt. Saurabh Kalia of 4 JAT Regiment of the Indian Army laid down his life at the young age of 22 for the nation while guarding the frontiers at Kargil. His parents, indeed the Indian Army and nation itself, lost a dedicated, honest and brave son. His patriotic and proud father points out: “He was the first officer to detect and inform about Pakistani intrusion. Pakistan captured him and his patrol party of 5 brave men alive on May 15, 1999 from the Indian side of LOC. They were kept in captivity for three weeks and subjected to unprecedented brutal torture, evident from their bodies handed over by Pakistan Army on June 9, 1999. The Pakistanis indulged in dastardly acts of inflicting burns on these Indian officers with cigarettes, piercing their ears with hot rods, removing their eyes before puncturing them and breaking most of the bones and teeth. They even chopped off various limbs and private organs of the Indian soldiers besides inflicting unimaginable physical and mental torture. After 22 days of torture, the brave soldiers were ultimately shot dead. A detailed post-mortem report is with the Indian Army. Pakistan dared to humiliate India this way flouting all international norms. They proved the extent to which they can degrade humanity. However, the Indian soldiers did not break while undergoing all this unimaginable barbarism, which speaks volumes of their patriotism, grit, determination, tenacity and valour - something all of India should be proud of. Sacrificing oneself for the nation is an honour every soldier would be proud of, but no parent, army or nation can accept what happened to these brave sons of India. I am afraid every parent may think twice to send their child in the armed forces if we all fall short of our duty in safeguarding the prisoners of war and let them meet the fate of Lt. Saurabh Kalia. It may also send a demoralizing signal to the army personnel fighting for the Nation that our POWs in Pak cannot be taken care of. It is a matter of shame and disgust that most of Indian Human Rights Organizations by and large, showed apathy in this matter.”

The sacrifice of brave commandos and police officials like Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan who laid down their lives in the operation against the terrorists of the Mumbai attack on November 26, 2008, should not go in vain. It is to be recalled that when the soldiers of Indian Army, Navy and Air Force got awakened by the sacrifices of the brave soldiers of the Indian National Army of Netaji Subhas Bose and revolted against the colonial rulers, India got its freedom. That grit and determination must be shown once again by our men in uniform to protect the freedom and integrity of the nation.

Wake Up Hindus

Arif Mohammad Khan, former Union Minister of India says, “The empowerment of terror in Pakistan has not happened overnight. This is the logical culmination of the politics and policies pursued by Pakistan for years now. Terrorism in Pakistan has its roots in the culture of hate and the ethos of inequality on the ground of religious faith, leading to their being deeply ingrained in the Pakistani psyche and mindset. One factor that has played a crucial role in creating this culture of hate is the educational policy of the government of Pakistan pursued since 1977. The officially prescribed textbooks, especially for school students, are full of references that promote hate against India in general and Hindus in particular.” He further points out that the Pakistani school text books openly give a call for Jihad against India. “On Indo-Pak wars, the books give detailed descriptions and openly eulogize ‘jihad’ and ‘shahadat’ and urge students to become ‘mujahids’ and martyrs and leave no room for future friendship and cordial relations with India”, he says.

Dr. Sachi (Sabyasachi) Ghosh Dastidar is a Distinguished Service Professor of the State University of New York at Old Westbury. He has taught in the U.S., Kazakhstan and India. In his latest and thought-provoking publication, Empire's Last Casualty: Indian Subcontinent's Vanishing Hindu and Other Minorities, he has pointed out that 49 Million Hindus have been forced to Leave Bangladesh since 1946. Apart from this millions of Bangladeshi Muslims have intruded into India and the vote hungry Congress leaders have registered them as Indian citizens in order to garner the Muslim vote bank. The Supreme Court of India has expressed displeasure over the Government not taking effective action to flush out the illegal immigrants who pose a threat to national security. How could a Government run by a political party depending on the vote bank of these illegal immigrants take action against them? Most of these Muslims are Jihadis trained by LET and Mujahideen and are planning for a large scale revolt in the north eastern states of India. The large scale conversion of tribal people by the Christian evangelists and their training into militancy to severe parts of these states to create a ‘land of Christ’ is already posing a grave threat to the integrity of the nation. Now, the Jihadis have started to penetrate into their ranks in the hope that these Christian militants could ultimately be brought into the fold of Islam. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in his Christmas message predicted that Jesus Christ would return “with one of the children of the revered Messenger of Islam and will lead the world to love, brotherhood and justice”. Our Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, is persuading this man to put pressure on the ‘Jihadis’ to take action on Mumbai attackers—a ‘kafir’ appealing to a ‘believer in Allah’ to act against his fellow believers—a cow appealing to a tiger for safety!

What are the Hindu sadhus, sannyasins and spiritual leaders in the millions doing in such a critical situation? Are they going to be terrorized by the aggressive posture of the so called ‘Secular’ political leaders against the Hindu religious and social leaders to scare them away from supporting Hindu nationalist parties? Will they prefer to keep away from their duty to fight against the corrupt, selfish and anti-national political forces in order to save their own mutts and missions and their own skin from the wrath of these politicians? When the Madrasas and Masjids are fast becoming training grounds for Jihadis, and Churches throughout the land are concentrating on large scale conversion of Hindus into Christianity to wipe out their culture and heritage, the mutts and mandirs of the Hindus are functioning like market places for selling spurious religion and spirituality instead of promoting patriotism and Hindu nationalism. The Hindu religious and spiritual leaders are hesitant to displease the politicians in power whose patronage is needed for them for their survival. What a greater shame there could be for a Sannyasi in ochre robe to be afraid of losing his life for the protection of his Dharma and Dharmabhoomi? This is the land of Vasishtha, Vishwamitra and Parashurama who have stood against the forces of Adharma. The sadhus and sannyasins need not take up arms like Guru Gobind or Banda Bairagi or like the Sannyasins of the famous Sannyasi Rebellion of Bengal in 1773 to fight against the perpetrators of Adharma. At least they could give courage, guidance and moral support to the brave Hindu youth to stand up and boldly confront the enemies of the nation and our hoary spiritual heritage. Like Samarth Ramdas who guided Chhatrapati Shivaji in establishing Hindu pad padshahi, and Vidyaranya who guided Harihara and Bukka in building the mighty Vijayanagar Empire, the present sadhus, sannyasins and spiritual leaders should play a positive role in guiding the Hindu youth in building once again a powerful Hindu nation on the sacred soil of Bharatavarsha. They must inspire the Hindu youth to wipe out the ignominy caused by the vivisection of our sacred Motherland and create once again the Akhand Bharat. Sri Aurobindo wrote: “The idea of two nationalities in India is only a newly-fangled notion invented by Jinnah for his purpose and contrary to the facts. More than 90% of the Indian Mussalmans are descendants of converted Hindus and belong as much to the Indian nation as Hindus themselves. This process of conversion has continued all along; Jinnah is himself a descendant of a Hindu, converted in fairly recent times, named Jinahbhai and many of the most famous Mohammedan leaders have a similar origin.” Now it is the foremost task of brave Hindus to cut the link of the Indian Muslims with the alien Jihadi barbarians and to bring them back to the stream of Indian nationalism. Hindu way of life gives freedom to every individual to worship God in any name or form. However, in the name of religion, if anybody endeavours to destroy the unity, integrity and the spiritual heritage of this nation, such forces should be mercilessly annihilated. If the present day Hindus and Hindu leaders do not wake up and act now with courage and wisdom, the posterity will never forgive them. May Mother Bharat give them the courage and wisdom to act now.

Vande Mataram!

Jihadi Romeo's thrashed in Mangalore

Mangalore : Media and self styled activists are waiting to pounce upon Hindu organisations if any negative report came up against them.

Yes once again Media published partial truth in Mangalore incident, in which Hindu activists under Sri Ram Sena gave a stern warning to Jihadi Romeos in Mangalore.

Few days back, HK had reported about Mangalore turning as the hot bed of Jihadi Romeos who target Girls of other faith. A Hindu girl is still missing from her home and reportedly hided in one of the Jihadi strong hold in Mangalore.

The outburst of Hindu activists which were widely published in National Media as ‘Talibanisation of Bharath’ and ‘Attack against Women’ (NDTV went to the extend that women were molested!) should be viewed in the backdrop of following report

Those who were targeted were girls who ignored the warning about the Jihadi Romoeos they were roaming with. The girls mostly from other states who come to Mangalore for study are easy prey for these Jihadi’s.

Nation wide awareness campaigns against these Jihadi Romeo’s and alerting the parents of those who fell into the Jihadi trap in the starting is the need of the hour.

The Election Manifesto of Hindu Voters!

Margashirsha Krushna Ekadashi

Cast your vote for only that candidate who has ethical conduct and who will look after Hindu interest!

Dear Hindu Brothers and Sisters,

The politicians to whom we Bharatiyas so confidently handed over the reign of our country after Independence have turned it into a thing of no value. We have experienced the extreme deterioration of our country over last 61 years even though all the political parties were given chance to rule.

The Nation has gone down hill because of Adharmi (unrighteous) politicians!

During ancient times the people used to be happy, fearless and prosperous because the Hindu kings then were duty bound and followers of Dharma. The current politicians and rulers are unrighteous and misuse the power for their own interests. This has lead to deterioration of Bharat at all levels. The people are overwhelmed with poverty, unemployment, corruption, crime and misconduct.

The secular rulers themselves are responsible for the detrimental state of Dharma!

Activities against the Hindu Dharma and appeasement of Muslims and Christians have become the permanent feature of secular politicians. Therefore in a Hindu majority Bharat the very faith of Hindus on the Dharma was hurt through the various media of denigration of Hindu Deities, the killing of Hindu leaders, anti Hindu laws etc. The 85 crore Hindus who are not united on the basis of Dharma had to face the sorrow of the detriment to their Dharma while Non-Hindus being united were appeased by the politicians for their lump sum votes.

To arrest the present pitiable condition of Nation and Dharma it is essential to elect such candidates who are patriotic, followers of Dharma, having caring attitude for the masses, having warrior attitude, morally strong and having sacrificing nature. For that it is essential that the Dharmashakti of Hindus has to manifest through the medium of ballot and that is the responsibility of all of us. Therefore seriously think as to whom you will cast your invaluable vote! HJS therefore is calling you to change the current state of affairs.

Do not vote such candidates!

  1. Corrupt, criminal, uneducated and those who change the party
  2. Those who offer drinks, parties, money, clothes, picnics and items of luxury in exchange for votes
  3. Those who play politics of caste by encouraging the reservation culture and thus divide the society
  4. Those parties who appoint defeated candidates to the post of Governor or chief of some corporation etc.
  5. Those who have amassed unlimited wealth after being elected and those who have kept crores of rupees in the Swiss bank or some such foreign bank and thus have hidden their black money and have evaded taxation.
  6. Those disrupt the working of parliamentary or legislative sessions and thus causing loss of crores of public money
  7. Those who spend crores of public money on the advertisements when there is a loan of millions of rupees on the nation and when 30% of our population is below poverty line
  8. Those who spread such defaming history such as,' Sri Ram is an imaginary personality' ' Lokmanya Tilak, Sawarkar, Bhagatsingh were terrorists' and ' Shivaji Maharaj was wicked and deceitful'
  9. Those who pretend Hinduttva after smelling the oncoming wave of Hinduttva.
  10. Those involved in preparing Anti Hindu laws and those who hate Hindu Dharma, Deities, the Hindu Holy texts and Sanskrit language.
  11. Those who distribute the money donated by the devotees to Church, Mosques, Christian Schools after taking over the temples under government management.
  12. Those who participate in the programmes of Muslims and Christians; but do not participate in Hindus' agitation for the defense of Dharma and neglect the undesirable practices taking place during the festivals in their own constituency
  13. Those who out of their fanatic mentality give tickets to Muslims and never lose a single opportunity to appease them
  14. Those who give reservation to minorities in jobs, educational field, give subsidy of crores of rupees for Haj pilgrimage and donate thousand of acres of land for building Mosques and Kabrastans.
  15. Those who try to destroy the places of Hindu cultural heritage such as Ramsetu,Bhama hill where Saint Tukaram did penance and those who do not allot permanent land for the Amarnath pilgrims for provision of facilities
  16. Those who never register a simple protest when Hindu leaders are murdered, Muslin instigate riots, vandalisation of Hindu Deities 'idols and when such Hindu hater painter M.F. Hussain paints the nude pictures of Bharatmata and Hindu Deities.
  17. Those who have neglected the rehabilitation of four and half crore Kashmiri Hindus who due to atrocities committed by Muslims had to leave the place and thus have subjected them to a miserable life in the refugee camps.
  18. Those who arrest the Chief pontiff( Dharmaguru) of Hindus and torture Him but do not dare to touch Imam Bukhari who on several occasion has given nation dividing speeches and also when there are so many criminal evidences against him.
  19. Those who have allowed the infiltration of 4 crore Bangladeshi Muslims and also have conferred them Bharatiya nationality.
  20. Those who have delayed execution of the death sentence to terrorist Mohamed Afzal and those do not intend to find out permanent solution to the menace of terrorism.

  21. The money amassed by the corrupt politician should be collected from the people who elected him! - Arya Chanakya

Cast your votes in favor of the following people!

  1. Non corrupt, of good character and those who pay their taxes sincerely
  2. Those who fulfill all the promises given during election campaign
  3. Those who celebrate their family programmes like marriage, birthday in a simple manner and donate the saved money for the cause of Nation and Dharma.
  4. Those who constantly keep in mind ,'I am not the master of people but their servant' and while doing their duty unfailingly also teach the people such qualities as discipline, sacrifice, pride in Dharma and pride about Nation
  5. Those who strive for correcting the mistakes and Dharmadrohi curriculum in the text books
  6. Those who put their efforts to see that the administrative work is carried out in regional language and all the public boards are displayed in regional language and those who will take firm steps towards the avoiding of unrealistic importance of English language
  7. Those who promise that the administration, police force and the military will contain only those who love Dharma.
  8. Those who vow to bring in common civil code which will consider all caste and religions with a neutral attitude.
  9. Those who are constantly active for the cause of Hinduttva and those who promise to safeguard Hindu Dharma in their election manifesto
  10. Those who as a first thing run for the rescue of Hindus in such conditions as riots and defend them
  11. Those who try every way to prevent denigration of Hindu Dharma, Deities, Holy texts of Hindus, and the National heroes
  12. Those who clearly mention in their manifesto that they will bring stringent laws like banning of cow-slaughter and religious conversions
  13. Those who will fight for the welfare of Hindus in Parliament, Legislative assemblies and Municipalities
  14. Those who will try to stop the glorification of such Anti Hindus like Aurangjeb, Afzalkhan and Akbar
  15. Those will promise to introduce very stringent laws to finish off terrorism and Naxalism
  16. Those who promise in their manifesto that once they are elected to the office they will punish all those politicians who have delayed the execution of Mohammed Afzal, those who have diluted the anti terrorist laws and those politicians who did not throw the Bangladesh infiltrators out
‘Whom to vote' is taught to Muslims in the Mosques and to Christians in the Churches. What is wrong then to tell the Hindus that they should vote only that candidate who is interested in Hindu welfare?

Code of conduct for Hindu voters!

1. Do not cast your vote for paltry benefits and do not fall prey to bribes!
2. If the candidate is unrighteous (Adharmi) and of mean character, canvass against him whatever may be his party and if the candidate is follower of righteousness and moral values then campaign for him even at the cost of your life so that he is elected!

Hindus! Remember that your every vote is important for pulling the secular politicians down and establish the rule based on Dharma!

1. If none of the candidate in your constituency is eligible then boycott that election! Besides if more than 50% of the voters in a constituency boycott the election then send a letter to the President to pass a law where all these candidates are declared ineligible and elections are repeated !
2. Compell the the rulers to pass a law whereby the voters in a constituency can call back the elected candidate if his work in connection with public welfare is unsatisfactory!
3. Let the candidates know beforehand that public will take tough action against the elected candidate if he fails to act according to his manifesto!

Neither we belong to Shiv Sena nor
BJP or Congress. We are for all Hindu Society!

Good Sense "Dawns" in "Burqa" Dutt & Co!!- Kudos to HJS !

NDTV changed the decision to give Award to Hussain

Jalgaon (Maharashtra): N.D.T.V. had planned to give ‘Man of the year’ award to anti-Hindu painter M.F. Hussain who had painted nude pictures of Hindu Deities and Bharatmata. Due to the agitation by Hindu Janjagruti Samiti (HJS) opposing the plan to give the award to Hussain and the ban initiated by all the cable operators on all the programmes by N.D.T.V. it had to give the ‘Man of the year’ award to Shri. Lalkrushna Adwani instead by changing their plan.

HJS had started the agitation to oppose the plan in order to stop the publicity of anti-Hindu painter Hussain planned by N.D.T.V. As soon as HJS had gaven a call to all the cable operators in Jalgao to ban N.D.T.V. all of them initiated the ban instantly by registering their protest.

Thereafter HJS had brought to the notice of the publishing media about this news by organising a press conference. Due to strong stand taken by all the cable operators against N.D.T.V, N.D.T.V. had to bow before the feelings of the proud Hindus. During award giving ceremony that had taken place on 23rd January i.e. yesterday N.D.T.V. had to give the award to BJP leader Shri. Lalkrushna Adwani instead.

The owner of ‘Sai Vision’ and the councilor of the Jalgao Municipal Corporation, Shri. Ashwin Sonavne, BJP and the owner of ‘Ekata Vision’ Shri. Shrad Tayade banned the telecast from N.D.T.V. instantly. The private cable operators from places like Yawal, Faizpur, Amalner, Dharangao also supported the cause by stopping their telecast from N.D.T.V.

In spite of the instruction from Shri. Pathak from N.D.T.V. to the private cable operators from Jalgao to start the telecast on telephone they did not pay any hid to it and continued with their ban firmly.

Friday, January 23, 2009

When Will We Wake Up to the Threat Of Radical Islam?

By Tom McLaughlin

What is it going to take for Europe and America to realize the threat? Radical Muslim terrorist groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, al Qaeda and others won’t stop until the world is under Sharia law. Don’t know what that means? It means stoning to death adulterers, homosexuals and apostates (anyone who leaves Islam), killing sisters, wives, daughters who “dishonor” the family by wearing bikinis or otherwise dressing like most women in the West do, and beating women if they disobey their husbands. Sounds farfetched, you say? Well, according the BBC, no less a person than the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, claims “Sharia law in UK ‘unavoidable.’”
On New Years night a few weeks ago, young Muslims in France rioted. They burned 1,147 cars in several French cities. It’s not the first time this has happened and French police were out in force. Still, there were 30% more cars burned this year than last. French media won’t call the rioters Muslims however. Their politically-correct, multicultural denial doesn’t allow them to. Instead, domestic terrorists are simply called “youths.” Car burnings are getting routine for the French. “Even during tranquil periods, an average of 80 vehicles per day are set alight somewhere in the country,” claims the San Francisco Chronicle. “‘Burning cars is rather typically French, said Michel Wieviorka, a French sociologist who has studied the phenomenon.” Uh-huh. Just the usual mischief by those pesky French “youths.” Nothing to do with Radical Islam. Move along folks. Nothing to see here.
In Sweden, rapes by Muslim immigrants and their offspring are skyrocketing, quadrupling in 20 years. Sweden’s liberal immigration policies have allowed huge numbers of unassimilated Muslims to upset their multicultural bliss. It’s getting harder to tolerate intolerant Muslim immigrants when they disdain Swedish women. According to, someone named Hamid said, “‘It is not as wrong raping a Swedish girl as raping an Arab girl. The Swedish girl gets a lot of help afterwards, and she had probably f***** before, anyway. . . . It is far too easy to get a Swedish whore…… girl, I mean,’ says Hamid, and laughs over his own choice of words.”
Such attitudes are common in Europe lately. According to the Copenhagen Post: “An Islamic mufti in Copenhagen, Shahid Mehdi, has sparked political outcry from the left-wing Unity List and right-wing Danish People’s Party, after stating in a televised interview that women who do not wear headscarves are ‘asking for rape.’”
“Public outcry,” huh? Not enough of an outcry to call Muslim terrorists what they are though. Just those pesky “youths” again. Is it an unwillingness to admit their embrace of multiculturalism – the idea that all cultures are equal – has been wrong all along? Or is it just plain fear of radical Muslim terror? Both, I suspect, but more the latter. They spend a lot of time patting themselves on the back, claiming to “speak truth to power,” but at bottom, Western media simply lack courage.
And the nice schools Europeans built for immigrants to attend? Those mischievous “youths” are burning them. “[W]e are close to the point where a majority of pupils have a foreign background, which is to say that either they or their parents come from a country outside Sweden,” says Alan Widman, member of Sweden’s parliament about the situation in the city of Malmo. Where outside Sweden Mr. Widman? He won’t identify foreigners as Arab Muslims, even when they’re torching schools at the rate of one every other day and shouting “Allahu Akbar.”
The canary in the coal mine for Western civilization is Israel. It’s under constant assault from Radical Islam. Yet when they retaliate against rocket attacks from Hezbollah or Hamas, the western media condemn them instead of the radical Muslim terrorists who attack them. Indeed, a worldwide intifada has erupted all over Europe, Canada and the USA. Muslim marchers in Fort Lauderdale called for Jews to go back to the ovens.
If you think our “relations” with radical Islam are going to change with the election of Barack Obama, think again. They’re already burning his likeness while shouting “Death to Obama” in Iran.
My fear is that it’s going to take something far more drastic than September 11th to wake up Europe and America – like the loss of a whole city to a smuggled nuclear device. A majority of Europeans and far too many Americans cling to their belief that we must continue to tolerate the intolerable, continue to celebrate multiculturalism and diversity – even if it kills us.

Family Security Matters Contributing Editor Tom McLaughlin Tom is a history teacher and a regular weekly columnist for newspapers in Maine and New Hampshire. He writes about political and social issues, history, family, education and Radical Islam. E-mail him at

Remove Islamic tumour within India, says Sena chief

Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray, who turned 83 today has said the elements who were waging a battle against Islamic fundamentalism within the
country, were being branded as Hindu terrorists by the rulers.

The oblique reference to the charge-sheeting of 11 Malegaon blast accused under MCOCA, came in an editorial in party mouthpiece 'Saamna', in which he said the metropolis, despite a semblance of normalcy was still reeling under the horrific Mumbai
terror attacks that killed over 200 citizens.

"The blood is yet to dry up. Share market is functional. The Taj has opened. But the common Mumbaikar continues to be in the grip of a fear complex as he goes through his daily chores in local trains, crowded bazaars and buses," he said.

Thackeray accused Congress of its "appeasement" of Muslims and vote bank politics and said, "Pakistan today is not afraid of India because the fanatic Muslims within our country is the real strength of the hostile neighbour."

"Instead of removing the Islamic tumor that was growing in India's stomach, the present rulers were making it more malignant," he said.

Touching upon the fresh flare-up on Maharashtra- Karnataka boundary dispute, Thackeray said, "I have given 42 years of my life to this struggle and will continue to fight for the rights of Marathi speaking population in Belgaum for the rest of my life."

Thackeray alleged that Marathi population in the border districts of Karnataka who were wanting 'merger' with Maharashtra was being subjected to excesses and atrocities and the Ashok Chavan-led Congress government in the state was a "mute spectator" to it.

Taking a dig at NCP president Sharad Pawar, Thackeray said, "The strong Marathas enjoying power in Centre and the state government are more concerned about their chair as against the interests of Maharashtra"

Belgaum and Malegaon have become the graveyard of Maharashtra's self-respect, he remarked in the editorial.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Gandhi's Muslim Appeasement

Dr Radhasyam Brahmachari

It is now well known that Muslim appeasement was an inseparable part of Gandhi’s quack doctrine of Non-violence. But many do not know why he, while he was in South Africa, adopted, or compelled to adopt this dirty policy in 1908. At that time the South African government imposed an unjust tax of £ 3 on every Indian living in South Africa and Gandhi initiated talks with South African government on this matter. But the Muslims did not support this move and were displeased with Gandhi. In addition to that Gandhi, in one occasion, made some critical comments on Islam while he was speaking at a gathering. Furthermore, he tried to make a comparative estimate of Hinduism, Islam and Christianity, which made the Muslims furious.

A few days later, on 10th February 1908, a group of Muslims under the leadership of a Pathan called Mir Alam entered Gandhi’s house and beat him mercilessly. When Gandhi fell on the ground the Muslim attackers kicked him right and left and beat him with sticks. They also threatened to kill him. From this incident onward, Gandhi stopped to make any critical comment on Muslims as well as on Islam. According to Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, this incident was a milestone in Gandhi’s life and afterwards Gandhi began to over look even the most heinous crime committed by the Muslims.

An example would help the reader to understand the matter. On 23rd December 1926, a Muslim assassin called Abdul Rashid stabbed Swami Shraddhananda to death, when the swami was ill and lying on his bed. The reader may recall that Swami Shraddhananda was a pracharak (whole time worker) of Arya Samaj and he started a Suddhai Yajna to bring the converted Muslims of this country back to Hinduism. But his activity was detested by the Muslims. A couple of months earlier a Muslim woman came to the Swami and expressed her desire to return to Hinduism with her children. However her husband brought an allegation of abduction in the court of law against the Swami. But the court quashed the allegation and set the Swami free. The incident turned the Muslims extremely furious and within a few days Abdul Rashid assassinated him.

After a few days of this incident, Gandhi went to Gauhati to deliver his speech at the national conference of Indian National Congress. The atmosphere was depressed and gloomy due to unusual death of Shraddhananda. But Gandhi made everyone dumbfounded and began his speech by addressing the assassin Abdul Rashid as “Bhai Abdul Rashid”. Without caring for the reaction of the listeners, he continued, “Now you will perhaps understand why I have called Abdul Rashid a brother, and I repeat it. I do not even regard him as guilty of Swami’s murder. Guilty indeed are those who excited feeling of hatred against one another.” Thus he indirectly held Swami Shraddhananda responsible for his murder, as he was propagating hatred through his Suddhi Yajna. Moreover, he wrote in the obituary note, “He (the Swami) lived a hero. He died a hero.” In other words, if a Hindu falls victim to the knife of a Muslim’s assassin, Hindus should consider it a heroic death.

It should be pointed out here that the said policy of Muslim appeasement originated by Gandhi, under the garb of (pseudo) secularism was responsible for the Partition of the country in 1947. Many of our countrymen, still today, firmly believe that Gandhi was against partition as in the public meetings, he used to say, “Vivisect me, before you vivisect India”. When he was saying this in public meetings, he was expressing just the opposite view through his writings. The reader may recall that, on March 26, 1940, the leaders of the Muslim League raised the issue of creation of Pakistan as a separate homeland for them. Hardly a couple of weeks later, supporting demand, Gandhi wrote, “Like other group of people in this country, Muslims also have the right of self determination. We are living here as a joint family and hence any member has the right to get separated.” (Harijan, April 6, 1940). A couple of years later, he also wrote, “If majority of the Muslims of this country maintain that they are a different nation and there is nothing common with the Hindus and other communities, there is no force on the earth that can alter their view. And if on that basis, they demand partition that must be carried out. If Hindus dislike it, they may oppose it”, (Harijan, April 18, 1942).

The reader should also recall that the Congress Working Committee, in its session on June 12, 1947, decided to place the partition issue to be placed before the All India Congress Committee (AICC) for a debate and the AICC approved the issue in its session held on June 14-15, 1947. In the beginning of the debate, veteran Congress leaders like Purusottamdas Tandon, Govindaballav Panth, Chaitram Gidwani and Dr S Kichlu etc. placed their very convincing speeches against the motiom. Then Gandhi, setting aside all other speakers, spoke for 45 minutes supporting partition. The main theme of his deliberation was that, if Congress did not accept partition (1) other group of people or leaders would avail the opportunity and throw the Congress out of power and (2) a chaotic situation would prevail throughout the country. Many believe that, in the name of ‘chaotic condition’, he tacitly asked the Muslims to begin countrywide communal riot, if the Congress did not accept the partition. Till then, Sardar Ballavbhat Patel was on the fence regarding the partition. But Gandhi’s speech turned him into a firm supporter of partition and he influenced other confused members to support the issue. In this way, Congress approved the partition issue (History of Freedom Movement in India, R C Majumdar, Vol-III, p-670).

It may appear to many that, up to partition, Gandhi’s policy of nonviolence and Muslim appeasement in the name of secularism indeed harmed the country a lot. But a close look will reveal, it has done severe damage even after partition, or to speak the truth, it is causing serious damage even today. During independence, the Muslim population in undivided India was 23 per cent and this 23 per cent Muslims, got 32 per cent land area as Pakistan. The most appropriate step after partition was to carry out population transfer, or send the entire Muslim population of the divided India to Pakistan and bring all Hindus from Pakistan to India. This population transfer was included in the proposal for Pakistan by the Muslim League and after communal riot in Bihar, M A Jinnah requested the Government of India to carry out population transfer as early as possible. But Gandhi was hell bent not to undertake out the process and said that it was an impractical and fictitious proposal.

Mount Batten, the then Governor General of India, was a staunch supporter of the said population exchange and advised Jawaharlal Nehru to do the same without delay. But Nehru submitted to the will of Gandhi and refrained from doing so. It is needless to say that, from the practical point of view, the said population exchange was urgently necessary and had it been carried out at that time, many problems of today would not have arisen. But due to the policy of Muslim appeasement of Gandhi, Muslims happily stayed back in this country, while Hindus had no alternative but to come to India as refugees or penniless beggars.

Many of us perhaps do not know that due to strong opposition by Gandhi, “Bande Mataram” could not be accepted as the National Anthem” of this country. In his early life, Gandhi had a great affinity for the song and while he was in South Africa, he wrote “It is nobler in sentiment and sweeter than the songs of other nations. While other anthems contain sentiments that are derogatory to others, Bande Mataram is quite free from such faults. Its only aim is to arouse in us a sense of patriotism. It regards India as the mother and sings her praise.” But later on when he could discover that the Muslims dislike the song, he at once stopped singing or reciting the same at public places. Hence ultimately the “Jana Mana Gana” was selected as the National Anthem. During the debate over the matter in the Constituent Assembly, Nehru argued that Bande Mataram is not suitable to sing along with military band while Jana Gana Mana is free from this difficulty.

In the present context, it should also be pointed out that Gandhi was not pleased with Tri Color, the National Flag of today’s India because the Muslims disliked the same. In this regard, Sri Nathuram Godse has narrated an incident in his “Why I Assassinated Gandhi”, which deserves to be noted in this context. During his Noakhali tour in 1946, a Congress worker put a tricolor over the temporary house where Gandhi was staying. One day an ordinary Muslim passer by objected to it and Gandhi immediately ordered his men to bring flag down. So, to please an ordinary Muslim, Gandhi did not hesitate to disgrace and dishonor the flag revered by millions of Congress workers. (pp-75-76). It should also be pointed out here that in his early life, Gahdhi was very fond of the Hindi language and used to say that it was the only language having the potentiality to play the role of the national language. But to please the Muslim, he, later on tried his best to make Urdu, under the garb of Hindustani, the National Language of India. (Koenrad Elst, Gandhi and Godse, Voice of India, p – 89).

A few months before the partition, when Hindu and Sikh refugees started to come from West Punjab in droves and crowding the refugee camps of Delhi, one day Gandhi visited a refugee camp and said, “Hindus should never be angry against the Muslims even if the latter might make up their minds to undo their (Hindus’) existence. If they put all of us to the sword, we should court death bravely. … We are destined to be born and die, then why need we feel gloomy over it?” (speech delivered on April 6, 1947).

In a similar occasion he said, “The few gentlemen from Rawalpindi who called upon me, asked me, “What about those who still remain in Pakistan?” I asked, why they all came here (Delhi)? Why they did not die there? I still hold on to the belief that we should stick to the place where we happen to live, even if we are cruelly treated, and even killed. Let us die if the people kill us, but we should die bravely with the name of God on our tongue.” He also said, “Even if our men are killed, why should we feel angry with anybody? You should realize that even if they are killed, they have had a good and proper end” (speech delivered on November 23, 1947)

In this context, Gandhi also said, “If those killed have died bravely, they have not lost anything but earned something. … They should not be afraid of death. After all, the killers will be none other than our Muslim brothers.” (Shri Nathuram Godse, Why I Assassinated Gandhi, p-92,93; as quoted by Koenrad Elst in Gandhi versus Godse, Voice of India, p-121). In another occasion when he was talking to a group of refugees, said, "If all the Punjabis were to die to the last man without killing (a single Muslim), Punjab will be immortal. Offer yourselves as nonviolent willing sacrifices." (Collins and Lapierre, Freedom at Midnight, p-385). There is no doubt that if someone reads all these utterances of Gandhi, he would take him either a fool or a lunatic, but we are worshiping him as a Mahatma or a Great Soul.

Gandhi believed that Muslims were brothers of the Hindus and hence they should never take arms or wage a war against the Muslims. He used to say that the foreign policy of independent India should always be respectful to Islam and the Muslims. Moreover, independent India should never invade a Muslim country like Arabia, Turkey etc. Gandhi also said that Rana Pratap, Guru Govinda Singh, Raja Ranjit Singh and Raja Shivaji were misguided patriots because they fought war with the Muslims. In his eyes Goerge Washington, Garibaldi, Kamal Pasha, D Valera, Lenin etc. were misguided patriots as they encouraged violence.

Gandhi’s utterances painting respected Hindu heroes as misguided patriots aroused widespread commotion among the Hindus. Most importantly, calling Raja Shivaji a misguided patriots put entire Maharastra on boil. Later on, Nehru could pacify their anger partially by begging apology on behalf of Gandhi.

The Muslims whenever attack a Hindu settlement, they, in addition killing innocent people, setting their houses on fire, loot and burglary as their routine work, rape Hindu women. It is evident that, they commit all such oppressions according to the instructions of the Koran, revealed by Allah. During the Muslim rule that lasted for nearly 800 years, raping Hindu women became a common affair. To save their honour and sanctity from the lecherous Muslims, millions of Hindu women used to sacrific their lives in flames. In the wake of partition most of the Hindu families became victims of Muslim oppression and raping Hindu women was an inseparable part of their attacks. When Hindus were butchered in Noakhali in 1946, thousands of Hindu women were raped by the Muslims.

Many Hindus of this country do not know, what Gandhi, the Great Soul and the Apostle of nonviolence, thought about this behavior of the Muslims. In the 6th July, 1926, edition of the Navajivan, Gandhi wrote that “He would kiss the feet of the (Muslim) violator of the modesty of a sister” (Mahatma Gandhi, D Keer, Popular Prakashan, p-473). Just before the partition, both Hindu and Sikh women were being raped by the Muslims in large numbers. Gandhi advised them that if a Muslim expressed his desire to rape a Hindu or a Sikh lady, she should never refuse him but cooperate with him. She should lie down like a dead with her tongue in between her teeth. Thus the rapist Muslim will be satisfied soon and sooner he leave her. (D Lapierre and L Collins, Freedom at Midnight, Vikas, 1997, p-479).

From the above narrations, it becomes evident that Gandhi was never moved by the sufferings and miseries of the Hindus and, on the contrary, he used to shed tears for the Muslims. His idea of Hindu-Muslim amity was also extremely biased and prejudiced. Only Hindus are supposed to make all sacrifices for it and they should endure all the oppressions and heinous crimes of the Muslims without protest. And that was the basis of Gandhian nonviolence and secularism. So a Muslim called Khlifa Haji Mehmud of Lurwani, Sind, once said “Gandhi was really a Mohammedan” (D Keer, ibid, p-237).

It should be mentioned at the very outset that Gandhi never fought for India’s freedom. The reader should recall that Gandhi was brought from South Africa by the British to sabotage India’s freedom movement and hence it was not possible for him to fight the British for freedom. On the contrary, his intention was to prolong British rule in this country and to hoodwink the Hindus, he used to say that he was fighting for Swaraj. But his concept Swaraj was entirely mystical and vague and he used equate Swaraj with Ramrajya (or the rule of Lord Ram). According to him, termination of British rule was not at all necessary to establish Swaraj and Swaraj could function well even under the British rule. So he always opposed any move for demanding complete independence from the British rule and reproached the leaders like Subhash Chandra Bose and others because they were in favour of demanding independence,

One of the basic preconditions of his Swaraj was the amity between the Hindus and the Muslims. It has been pointed out earlier that his idea of Hindu-Muslim amity was extremely biased and prejudiced – Hindus were supposed to make every sacrifice and silently endure all the oppressions and crimes of the Muslims for the sake of this unity. It is well known that, for the sake of this Hindu-Muslim unity, Gandhi supported the KHILAFAT MOVEMENT, and extremely communal agitation launched by the fanatic and orthodox Muslim leaders, the Ali brothers. In his personal capacity, Gandhi once wanted to translate Spirit of Islam by Syed Amir Ali and Muhammad’s biography Life of Mahomet by Sir W Muir, to win the hearts of the Muslims. To appease them, he used to overlook and ignore even heinous crimes committed by the Muslims and considered “Allahu Akbar” as a national slogan. He held the view that, Hindus should die but never should kill a Muslim. Many used to consider him a more devout Muslim than even Mohammad Ali Jinnah.

To many. it would appear unbelievable that Gandhi used to advise the Amir of Afghanistan not to make peace with India and, on the contrary, instigated him to launch jihad against India or invade India. Moreover, he advised the Muslims of this country that, at such a situation, they should join the Afghan army and fight against India. He used to say that “Muslims are bullies and the Hindus are cowards” and advise the Muslims to be more cruel and violent during their attack on the Hindus. On the other hand, he suggested the Hindus to remain non-violent and not to defend their attack. He used to maintain the view that Hindus must not strike a Muslim even to save their lives. In the wake of partition, when the Muslims started slaughtering the innocent Hindus of Punjab, Sardar Vallabbhai Patel asked the Hindus to defend their lives. But that displeased Gandhi and he reproached Patel for his advice.

In 1946, Gandhi did not go to Noakhali when the Hindus were being butchered there and he went there when the bloodshed was over. On the contrary, when the Hindus of Bihar started retaliating the Noakhali killings, he at once went to Bihar to save the Muslims.. Due to his extraordinary affection for the Muslims, many used to mention him as Mohammad Gandhi. To many, it would appear unbelievable that Gandhi used to advise the Hindus (for the sake of nonviolence) not to take part in any short of physical exercise and body-building activities as, in that case, it would have been difficult for the Muslims to oppress and massacre the physically strong Hindus. In fact, he closed most of the gymnasiums and other body-building centres in Gujarat.

Gandhi strongly believed that Muslim rule was better for India than the British rule and in the wake of independence, he requested the British to transfer the power to the Muslims. At the same time, he started to look for an efficient Muslim emperor to rule this country. But doing so much for the Muslims, he remained a loathsome kafir in the eyes of the Muslims as Koran does not advocate Hindu-Muslim unity. On the contrary, Allah advises the Muslims to kill non-Muslim kafirs whenever and wherever they could be found (Koran – 9:5). So the Muslim leader Mohammad Ali said, “In my eye, Gandhi is worse than a fallen Mussalman.”

It has been pointed out earlier, what kind of vile and treacherous role Gandhi played during independence. After independence, both Gandhi and Nehru started vehemently to erase all the symbols that carry Hindu heritage. They declined to rename divided India as “Hindustan” and started to mention it as non-Pakistan and ultimately they settled at “Indian Republic.” But most of the countries in the world are known according to the name of the majority of the population, e.g. France, Germany, England, Ireland, Turkey, Afghanistan and so on. While commenting on Gandhi and his policy of Muslim appeasement, in the name of nonviolence, Sri Aurobinda once said, "India will be free to the extent it succeeds in shaking off the spell of Gandhism."

The present topic will remain incomplete if we do not discuss Gandhi’s deeds during the jihad launched by the Moplahs in Kerala in 1920, against the Hindus. At that time Kerala was a Princely state called Travancore under the Madras Presidency. Malabar was a small district of Travancore having a population of 3 million out of which 1 million were Muslims known as Moplahs, which was a corrupt Mollah. Historians believe that once upon a time Arab traders and their sailors and crews settled in the district, who married local women and grew into a sizable population of Muslims.

These Moplahs were mostly illiterate and poor and nearly all of them used to earn their bread as agricultural labourers in the fields of well off Nambudri Brahmins. Like Muslims of other parts of the world, they were extremely cruel and used to declare jihad against the Hindus on flimsy ground and attack Hindus of the locality. From the beginning of the English rule, they launched 35 attacks within 1920 AD.

In August, 1921, when Gandhi was touring Assam, Silhet and Silchar, Moplahs organized a severe and unprovoked attack on 20th August on the Hindus. Large scale slaughtering the Hindus, looting their properties, setting their houses on fire, raping Hindu women, desecration of Hindu temples and forceful conversion went on without any respite. The cruelty, brutality and horridness of the attack were far-reaching and incomprehensible. At that time, there were two options before the Hindus – either conversion to Islam or death.

A Muslim called Ali Musaliar was leading the attack. To bring the situation under control, British government declared martial law in the district but the rampage continued up to December. So the British had to prolong the martial law up to February 24, 1922. According to government records, 2300 Hindus were dead and 1650 Hindus were severely wounded, although the actual figures were more than double of the above account.

In many occasions, Gandhi, the apostle of nonviolence, decried forceful conversion as a terribly violent act. But regarding the forceful conversion by the Moplahs, he preferred to remain mum. Moreover, he propagated the lie in Young India that the Moplahs, during the said rampage, had converted only a single Hindu to Islam. Most shamefully he described the killing of the innocent Hindus by the Moplahs as a heroic deed and he repeatedly said, “Muslims are bullies and the Hindus are cowards.” Moreover, he used to say that the Moplahs were not guilty of killing the Hindus and, guilty were the Hindus who infuriated and provoked the Moplahs who had had no other option but to kill the Hindus. In addition to that, he asked the Hindus, for the sake of humanity, not to retaliate. There is no doubt that Gandhi, by safe guarding the Moplahs, instigated the Muslims to launch attacks on the Hindus in Punjab, Bengal and in other places in the wake of partition.

More shamefully, Gandhi deplored the British administration for taking stern action to suppress the jihad by the Moplahs. Moreover, he declared Moplahs, who fought with the British army, as freedom fighters and said, “The Moplahs are among the bravest in the land. They are god-fearing. Their bravery must be transformed into purest gold.”…Thus “He represented the perpetrators of vile deeds as god-fearing people! Was it not a travesty of religion to described men who murder and rape in the name of religion as god-fearing? … Gandhi thus described the Moplah ferocity as the ignorant fanaticism of the Moplah brothers, and the Hindu mentality as cowardliness.” (Mahatma Gandhi, D Keer, ibid, pp-402). The matter did not end here. Due to perpetual insistence by Gandhi, the Moplah rogues, who died in police encounter, were later on declared martyrs of the freedom struggle and were allowed to receive allowance, like other freedom fighters, from the government exchequer, after independence and the practice is still in vogue. After the carnage by the Moplahs, Gandhi started raising money from common people to help, not the Hindu victims, but for the Muslim perpetrators. Following the tradition set by Gandhi, the so called secular politicians and secular media in Mumbai observe Moplah Day every year and take out procession and hold public meetings. Many believe that it would have been immensely beneficial for the country, had Gandhi been assassinated at that time.

So, it is not difficult to understand that, had Gandhi been alive today, he would declare the killing of innocent Hindus in Kashmir, bombing the Hindu temples and killing innocent devotees, killing the Hindu pilgrims at Amarnath etc. as the bravery of the Muslims and cowardliness of Hindu victims. It also becomes evident that why today’s so called secular politicians and their media held the Hindu victims of Godhra responsible for their own death and remained silent about the Muslims criminals, as a policy of Muslim appeasement. And by following the foot-steps of Gandhi, these secular and leftist political leaders raised money for the Muslims of Gujarat, not for the Hindu victims of Godhra. Therefore many believe that Gandhi’s naked Muslim appeasement during the Moplah incident was enough to assassinate him in 1920s and that would have saved this country from many misfortunes, later on brought by Gandhi.